Tuesday 29 November 2011

Lego Robots Workshop

Today Year 1 were visited by some Lego Robots.
We spent the morning programming robots to move around the hall.
We learned lots about sensors and how to make the robots do different things.
Everyone had lots of fun and worked really well together.

 Please ask us about what we did

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Year 1 Science walk

1-O’s  Science

Listening walk
We went on a science walk today to start our new topic,
Sound and Hearing.

What could we hear?

We heard children talking quietly.

We heard the wind in the trees.

We can hear the cars from the road.

We heard the leaves go crunch, when we stepped on them.

We heard Mrs Reith teaching her children.

The dinner ladies were cleaning, we heard the spoons banging.

Even the floor made a sound. It went bang, when we walked over the trap door.

Finally we heard Miss Kana talking to her children very nicely.

Written by the children of 1-O